We are on a mission to leave families happier and healthier.

Our primary goal is to improve child behaviour in home and community routines. We meet families with open hearts and expert knowledge, tailoring our approach to their specific needs. "Happier" means calmer mealtimes, less anxiety, and parents regaining confidence in their ability to nourish their child. Healthier extends beyond nutrition: we help children develop a positive relationship with food, building awareness and the foundation for lifelong healthy habits.

One Bite at a Time founder Dr. Lauren Binnendyk is part of the Registered Autism Service Providers in the Province of British Columbia. She has worked in the field of behaviour analysis for 16 years. In addition to her successes with many families, she is recognized in the academic community for her published research and qualifications in this field. Alongside her team, she works with a variety of cases to help transform children’s relationship with food and work towards a healthier, happier child. You can get to know a little more about the West Coast feeding team, below.

let’s talk.

If you want to talk with a member of our team, then check out our available Discovery Call times via our booking portal using the button below. This is a completely free service and a time for you to ask questions and see how we can help you. Just select a time that suits you, answer our intake questions, and we will do the rest.

If you’ve got more questions, then just click the button below, and we respond as soon as we can.